The Institute offers several frontline technical services to the public such as follows:

Contract/Joint Research - The Institutte offers its research services and facilities to private/government firms wishing to improve their products and answer research problems.

Technology Commercialization and Transfer - Food technologies and nutrition technologies are diffused and communicated to relevant users: individuals, communities, institutions and small to large scale entrepreneurs for adoption and commercialization of technologies.

Food Pilot Plant Services/Technologies Business Incubator (TBI) - The TBI facilities of the Institute provide support to small and medium scale entrepreneurs wishing to start a food processing enterprise using technologies developed by the Institute. The services include lease of equipment at nominal cost, training of production staff, technical assistance, and consultancy services in production and quality control of product and in setting up his own processing plant.

Food Processing Facility Development in the Regions - Establishment of communal food processing plants in the regions is a joint undertaking of the Institute and Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI). The FNRI provides the technical expertise on food processing, consultancy services, quality control and packaging of product, design of plant layout, and setting up of food processing plant. TAPI provides funds of acquisition of equipment and other expenditures.

Food Analytical Testing Services - Evaluation of the quality (energy and nutrient contents of food, e.g. proximate, vitamin and minerals, and anti-nutrients or those associated with major nutritional deficiencies) and food safety analyses (toxicological and microbial pathogens) are offered. (see Food Analytical Service Laboratory, FASL)

Food Demonstration - Development of nutritious and economical recipes utilizing indigenous materials is an important activity of the Institute. These developed recipes are transferred through food demonstrations, lectures and print materials to interested parties.

Information and Consultancy Services - the Institute renders consultancy services in the field of food and nutrition. FNRI researchers serve as speakers/trainors on nutrition and allied activities of both the public and private sectors. Letters from the general public seeking advice on proper diet, food selection and preparation, and nutrient values are personally attended to. The Institute also maintains active linkages with the media in widening its information outreach. Quarterly press conference/scientific fora are held to inform target audiences of the latest in nutrition R & D undertaken by FNRI.

Food and Nutrition Databases and Applications - the Institute provides nutrition information needs of FNRI staff, outside researchers, and the general public through online databases of nutrition surveys results, food consumption, abstract of researches and others. The Institute also develops food and nutrition application software that serve as nutrition tools and information media for all of its clientele.

Publication and IEC Materials - Dissemination of research results and nutrition information is done through publications and distribution of food technology and nutrition information materials. These materials are available at cost.

Training - development and conduct of courses in food and nutrition in the different Research and Development areas

Recipe Development and Sensory Evaluation - The Institute develops nutritious and economical recipes utilizing indigenous materials. While new food products developed by industry are evaluated as to their organoleptic quality and acceptability.

Library Services - the Institute provides nutrition information needs of FNRI staff, outside researchers, and the general public. Library facilities include the card catalogue, interlibrary loans, computer reference service, study carrels, current contents and awareness lists. It also provides referral services to its network members, the FNRI Library being focal point of the Nutrition Research Information Network (NUTRINET). It further provides on-the-job training to student librarians upon request.

Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory Services - the Institute accepts analysis of Serum Retinol, Urinary Iodine Excretion and Hemoglobin.

Diet Counseling/Wellness Clinics - The Institute renders dietary counselling to staff and outside clientele, regarding dietary management of heart diseases, diabetes, reducing diets and other nutrition-related diseases.

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