Accredited ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for biochemical, microbiological and chemical testing by the Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB)
Recognized by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for microbiological, chemical analyses, nutrition labeling and food fortification components
Recognized by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for microbiological and chemical analyses of marine food products
Equipped with modern instruments: HPLC, AAS, GC, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 
DOST focal agency on nutrition labeling
The only Philippine laboratory that analyzes serum/plasma Vitamin A and UIE


FNRI Service Laboratory’s vision is to be the premier Philippine laboratory for chemical, microbiological and biochemical analyses of food/functional food, feed, water quality and safety, and biological samples, that is comparable with international laboratories


FNRI Service Laboratory’s mission is to protect customer health and national economy through quality assured laboratory data generation
FNRI Service Laboratory is committed to deliver high quality and timely laboratory testing and consultation services, to the customer’s satisfaction while promoting personnel advancement and safe working environment using internationally accepted standards and/or practices


Chemical Analysis

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