41st FNRI Seminar Series Abstract

R&D Program on Food and Nutrition Security/Food Fortification Program
Addressing Micronutrient Deficiencies
1. Mineral Availability from Naturally and Synthetically-fortified Multi-nutrient Growth Mix (MGM)
2. Fortified Rice-Mongo Curls: Opportunity for Improving the Nutritional Requirements of Children Six (6)
Months to Five (5) Years Old for Iron and Zinc
3. Shelf-life Study of Rice-Mongo Based Complementary Blends and Snacks Foods
4. Scaling-up Rice Fortification Program through Techno-transfer: A Strategy Towards Nutrition
Security (Project 2: Evaluation of Impact of Iron Fortified Rice and Program Sustainability)

R&D Program Addressing Macronutrient Deficiencies
Malnutrition Reduction Program: Phase 2
5. Project 1: Technology Transfer and Production of Complementary Blends and Snack
6. Project 2: Monitoring and Process Evaluation of DOST PINOY
7. The first 1000 Days Project in Palawan: Moving Forward to Provincial Institutionalization
of Maternal and Child Nutrition Program
8. Quick Response to Disaster: Production and Field-testing of FNRI-developed Complementary/
Supplementary Foods
9. Promising Flour and Starch from Sago Palm Tree
10. Healthy Aging Program for Pinoy (HAPPY) Senior Citizens

Program Addressing Over-nutrition/NCD’s
R&D Program on Nutrigenomics
11. Effect of Iron Supplementation Utilizing Iron-Fortified Rice and Malunggay Leaves Powder on the
Biochemical Parameters and Expression of Genes Associated with Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnant
Filipino Women
12. SNP Frequencies and Their Potential Association with Intakes of Brown and White Rice and Blood
Glucose Levels Among Selected Government Employees in Bicutan, Taguig City
13. Satiety Responses and Changes Postprandial Concentration of Plasma Ghrelin with Consumption of
White Rice and Brown Rice in Filipino Adults
14. An Evaluation of a School-Based Nutrition Education Strategy: The Healthy Kids Program
15. Product Innovation on Selected Traditional Food Products

Program on Generation and Compilation of Food Composition of Commonly Consumed Foods:
16. Project 1: Determination of Sugar in Processed Foods
17. Project 2: Determination of the Nutrient Contents of Selected Indigenous and Underutilized Philippine Fruits and Vegetables

R&D Program on Development of Tools and Standards
18. Development and Printing of the 2015 FNRI Menu Guide Calendar (MGC): Nutritious Meals for Extended Emergency Period
19. From Pyramid to Plate: A Formative Research on the Development of a Filipino Food Guide
20. Development of Pinggang Pinoy Food Guide for Filipino Adults
21. Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes 2015

ICT Program on Food and Nutrition
22. eFCD-DEA Online Food Consumption Data for Dietary Exposure Assessment

In depth Studies and Correlation Studies
23. Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status of Children 0-5 years old left Behind by Women
Overseas Workers
24. Evaluation of the School Feeding Program in Partner-Schools in Five Philippine Geothermal Sites
25. Evaluation of Dietary Service in Selected Hospitals in the Philippines

Nutrition Surveys
26. Assessing Household Food Security in the Regions of Mindanao Using World Food Programme’s (WFP) Food Consumption Score Tool
27. Assessment of Selected Risk Factors to Non-Communicable Diseases on Adults 18 years old
and Over and Adolescents 10.0 to 17.9 years Old
28. Awareness, Coverage, Accessibility and Utilization of Philhealh Benefits Among Filipinos in the 8th National Nutrition Survey, 2013
29. Determinants of Undernutrition and Overnutrition among Filipino Mothers with Children 0-60 months

Technical Services on Food and Nutrition
30. Iodine Levels of Household Salts in the Philippines in the 8th National Nutrition
31. Validation of Method for Determination of Zinc Concentration in Serum: Tool in Assessing Zinc Status of the Population

Promoting and Popularizing S&T
32. FNRI-DOST and Robinsons’ Supermarket: A Public-Private Partnership Model in Promoting Wellness Among Filipinos
Special Project Presentation
33. Maternal and Health Nutrition and Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices
34. Impacts of Climate Shocks on Caloric Intake of Filipino Households Engaged in Agriculture
35. A Comparative Study of 4Ps Beneficiaries and Non-4Ps Beneficiaries in the 8th National Nutrition Survey
Graduate Studies
36. TV Viewing and Healthy Eating: Moderators of the Relationship Between Television Exposure and Daily Vegetable Intake
37. Evaluation and Characterization of A-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Himbabao (BROUSSONETIA LUZONICA)
38. Technology Foresight of FNRI-Developed Stabilized Brown Rice (SBR) Utilization in the Philippines Through Scenario Building

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